Sunday, August 18, 2013

Not So Inclined...

We were at the model home this weekend dropping off a check and signing another addendum to our agreement.  While we were there, we ran into one of our future neighbors who are also building a Florence.  Their house is about halfway complete, so we were talking to them about how everything was going and any hiccups they've had along the way.  They pointed out a few things and also offered to let us come take a look at the frame of their house. We took a walk down to look at their site and one of the first things we noticed is how high their house is and how much of an incline their driveway is going to have.  There must have been a 3-4 foot height difference from their house to the road, which is only about 30-40 feet away. It looks very steep and we are not thrilled with that.  We sent an email to our SR to see if ours will be similar.  Looking at the lots, we were expecting a somewhat level, usable driveway, so we will not be happy if our driveway has a giant incline up to the house.  I'm hoping that either ours will not be like that, or there's something they can do now to alleviate this because I'm very picky on driveways and even ruled out houses during our last house search because of the driveway.  I'm trying to hope for the best at this point, but I have a feeling that there won't be anything they can do about it.

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